


Coca, the injured puppy, who was guarding a tombstone in the Coco-Cola cemetery, was operated on in Bucharest.
Hit by a car, the poor thing was in terrible pain from a broken leg. Although some didn’t give her a chance, we started a race against time to save her. I arrived with her in Bucharest at the Ortovet clinic, where she was operated on. Several trips to Bucharest followed for control and removal of the rod. Even though he was left with a small handicap, we are extremely glad that he is alive and that he did not lose his leg. The puppy is now fine, she is very gentle and longs for human presence. She is very happy and extremely grateful when she is petted and petted. Thank you for helping us with part of the costs of the intervention, but we still need to pay the amount of 1000 lei. Any small donation can help us cover these costs and give this puppy a good life. He deserves all the good and all the happiness in the world. 🐶🙏❤️
She is very beautiful and would look good in a house 😍